Student Clubs & Activities

* indicates an activity fee is required

A | B | C | D | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | W | Y

Academic Team*

The Academic Team represents Chatham in “Jeopardy”-style tournaments on the regional and national level.  Students match wits based on knowledge of traditional academic subjects and current events mixed with some popular culture and useless trivia.  Events include after-school intramural and scrimmage matches, the international computer-based Knowledge Master Open, and travel tournaments including the New Jersey NAQT State Championship and possible national events.  There are no tryouts for the team; all students are welcome to attend as many events as they can, but membership on the most competitive “A team” is selective.


Mr. Cummins

Mr. Elgart

American Sign Language Club*

The ASL club (meets monthly during lunch time) is open to anyone interested in American Sign Language. You do not need to know ASL or be enrolled in any ASL courses to participate. It is a fun way to learn and practice ASL through conversation, volunteering, games, and activities. The participants will have the opportunity to learn signs such as holidays, colors, animals, food and many others. Come join this fun filled hour!


Ms. Woods

ASPIN (Aid for Sheltered Pets in Need)*

Aid for Shelter Pets In Need (A.S.P.I.N.) is a club whose goal is to save and improve the lives of animals living in shelters. By providing money, supplies and our time, we help animals living in shelters by giving them food, toys and a bed to sleep in. We raise money for much needed medical care and spaying & neutering. We also volunteer our time at local shelters by taking care of animals and helping to find them permanent homes.


Ms. Franz

Book Club*

The CHS Book Club is open to all students, teachers and staff. We will meet about once a month to talk about a selected book. Meetings are fun and informal, with snacks and tea provided. Feel free to bring your lunch. You are welcome to come even if you haven't read or finished the book. We're hoping to take a field trip or have a guest speaker this year. Join our Schoology group for updates, meeting dates, and discussion boards. We would love your suggestions for books!


Mrs. Shamy

Business Club*

Coming soon...


Ms. Finnegan

Chess/Games Club*

The CHS Chess and Games Club is a student run club in which students play chess or other games during the lunch period, with meetings at least twice a month. Players learn and practice different moves and tactics while socializing and enjoying games with friends. The club is open to all students, whether experienced or inexperienced--all are welcome!


Mr. Sortino

Chinese Club*

Ni hao! Welcome to Chinese club! Chinese club is open to all students, regardless of whether they are currently taking Mandarin class or not. In this club, you will get a chance to experience Chinese culture through Chinese games, movies, Chinese festival celebrations, Chinese sports, Chinese food as well as field trips.The club will meet one to two times a month, during lunch or after school, to accommodate as many interested students as possible. If interested, please contact  Li Laoshi (Mrs. Li)


Mrs. Li-McGurrin

Computer League*

Participation in the Computer League offers opportunities for students to share their passion about computer science and broaden their understanding of technology. Members will share their experiences participating in various computational contests including ACSL, CyberSecurity and hackathons as well as enjoying member led workshops on a variety of technologies.


Mr. Hajdu

Cougars Care

Cougars Care is a club dedicated to raising awareness and fundraising for causes that are meaningful to CHS students. Students who join will be invited to "captain" a fundraiser to support their cause, enlisting other members of the club in their fundraising efforts and participating in others' events.

Examples of organizations that are benefitting from Cougars Care initiatives are: Trickle Up, UNICEF, CUMC Food Pantry.


Mrs. Wang


The Chatham Performing Arts Club (CPAC) strives to highlight all the talent at CHS, and bring the community together through the performing arts! The club presents performance opportunities for musicians, dancers, comedians, and actors twice a year. Furthermore, all the proceeds are donated to charity. CPAC welcomes anyone to audition! 


Mr. Ferguson

Crafts for Kindness*

The Crafts for Kindness Club provides students with an opportunity to learn and enjoy making creative projects which can be donated to various charities. We have donated knit or crocheted scarves, hats, and headbands to a women's shelter or to people who are homeless.  We have also made pillows, decorated cards to send to the Armed Forces, made friendship bracelets for a children's hospital, and tried to make 1000 paper cranes. We are a casual and friendly club that meets at lunchtime. All students are welcome, and we're always looking for ideas for new crafts.


Mrs. Byrnes

Dance Club*

The Chatham High School Dance Club works to enrich the experience of Chatham High Students, to highlight the special talents of Chatham High students in the area of dance, to promote an appreciation for dance, and to enhance school spirit and the reputation of CHS in our community.


Ms. Hennelly

Dramatic Productions & Competitions*

The CHS theatre program produces two shows a year.  One is a dramatic or comedic presentation in the fall and the other a musical in the spring.  All students are encouraged to participate in these productions, either as onstage performers or backstage technical crews.  Actors, singers, dancers, stage managers, production assistants, as well as set, lighting, sound and costume crews are needed to make these performances successful.   CHS also participates in the Governor's Awards Competition. Announcements are made to advertise auditions and signups for all of these activities.  We are always looking to expand our CHS theatre family and encourage everyone to get involved in our wonderful program.  Experience is not necessary; enthusiasm and dedication are a must!


Mrs. Russo

Dungeons and Dragons Club*

The Dungeons and Dragons club is a place for students to relax, unwind, stretch their creative muscles, have fun, and make new friends. This club is open for both new players and people with experience playing D&D. The club has two main purposes. One purpose is to teach the game that we all love, D&D, to anyone and everyone who is interested in learning. The second goal of the club is to actually organize games and allow structured opportunities for students to play D&D with their friends and peers. We hold two workshops a month during lunch to teach new players the game while also hosting one gaming session a month after school. The gaming sessions typically are on Fridays after school from 3:00-6:30.


Mr. Agree

French Club*

The French Club meets a minimum of once each month.  It enables students who share a mutual enthusiasm for the French language and culture to come together in an informal manner and participate in activities which are in some way connected with the culture of France or of French speaking areas of the world. We celebrate French holidays, eat French food, listen to French music, watch French films, and have discussions on various topics related to French culture.  We also take at least two field trips a year to restaurants, museums, or other cultural events. The club is open to all current and former students of the language.


Mrs. Caulfield

Garage Band*

Garage Band hosts meetings where guitarists, bassists and other instrumentalists are welcome to jam out together, take lessons from more experienced members, or just listen to music. Meetings are usually unstructured where musicians can play whatever they want with whomever they want. Garage Band is a friendly environment open to new members of all skill levels: any students with any level of interest should stop by at a meeting.


Mx. Lemley

Gender Sexuality Alliance

The Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is a self-selected group of students who are dedicated to promoting a safer school environment in which all students are accepted and respected. The focus of the group is to provide a safe haven for LGBTQIA+ and allies to connect socially, discuss current events, and provide mutual support to one another. The group is open to all and is always welcoming new members!


Mrs. Flaherty

German Club*

The German Club meets regularly to experience and discuss aspects of the culture of German-speaking countries and have an opportunity to speak some German outside of class.  We celebrate German festivals, listen to German music and view German films, have discussions based on student-led topics, and are open to sponsoring creative activities inspired by our members.  In addition, we take at least two field trips to cultural events, festivals, or restaurants.  We host German exchange students in the spring and establish contacts with students from German-speaking countries.  The German Club welcomes all interested students, regardless of their language study affiliation at CHS.


Mrs. Van Wie

Green Team

The Green Team is dedicated to sustainability, environmentalism, and climate action. We plan and implement sustainability measures at CHS and work to educate the community about environmental and climate issues.


Mrs. Van Wie

Mrs. Falkner

Homeless Solutions/Helping Hands Club

Homeless Solutions works directly with the Homeless Solutions shelters located in Morristown, NJ. Club activities include babysitting so their clients can take classes as well as hosting birthday parties for the children of the shelter. Supply drives are also held periodically in order to collect essentials for the clients.


Mrs. Simonfay

Ink Blot/Literary Magazine*

Ink Blot offers students an opportunity to share and improve their creative writing skills in a community that provides both support and camaraderie. The club meets during lunch and discusses aspects of the craft, such as characterization and dialogue. In addition, it encourages members to share their work so the group can provide constructive criticism as well as one-on-one editing. A highlight of the year is National Novel Writing Month, although poetry and short fiction are just as eagerly received as novels within the club context. Students who are a little more adventurous with their writing are alerted regularly about contest opportunities. As a bonus, the analytical skills developed as a result of participation in Ink Blot are useful in curricular essays.

The literary magazine is a publication of Chatham High School students’ stories, essays, poems, and artwork.  Students may submit for consideration any original work they have produced throughout the year.  Members of the editorial board meet monthly to discuss the work received and also to plan the winter poetry festival.  All students are welcome to become involved and should attend the first meeting in September.  


Ms. Fallon


Coming soon!


Mr. D’Alconzo

John Taylor Babbitt Heart Club

Affiliated with the John Taylor Babbitt Foundation, based in Chatham, NJ, the Chatham High School chapter of the John Taylor Babbitt Heart Club participates in a variety of volunteer and fundraising activities in the school and local community in order to help raise awareness of the issue of sudden cardiac death in adolescents.


Ms. Leyden

Key Club

The Key Club is a service organization open to any student willing to give thirty-six hours of service during the school year.  Service work occurring in the school includes updating the community sign weekly and serving as ushers for concerts, assemblies, Back to School Night and Graduation.  Key Club operates a soda and a snack machine, and has frequent bake sales as ongoing fundraisers.  In the community, we assist Senior Citizens, our local Police and Recreation Departments, the Chamber of Commerce, and neighborhood and school-based associations.  In addition, we sponsor several local and national charitable organizations with student volunteers and/or fundraising activities.


Mrs. Spadaro

Mr. Hajdu


LINKS is an organization designed to help incoming freshmen adjust to the high school. LINKS leaders are chosen from the sophomore, junior and senior classes; they acquire valuable leadership and teambuilding skills to assist freshmen with the transition to CHS. Leaders organize and host activities such as 8th Grade Visit Days, the Freshmen Open House, and Field Day. LINKS leaders also host small group discussions that address topics such as Homecoming, spirit week, getting involved in activities and sports, and dealing with the pressures of school.


Mrs. Martin

Mr. Adair

Mathematics League*

The Math League participates in math competitions on the state and national levels.  The New Jersey Mathematics League and the American Scholastic Mathematics Association each sponsor six monthly contests beginning in October.  Students may also participate in the annual New Jersey Secondary School Mathematics Contest in December and the annual American High School Mathematics Examination (AHSME) in February.  Students who perform well on the AHSME may continue to compete in national and international competitions.


Mr. Lynott

Mending Minds

Mending Minds is a club focused on raising awareness and eliminating the stigma related to mental health issues. Mending Minds aims to educate the student body, as well as to provide resources, raise money for charities that provide access to services, and promote wellness for the entire community.


Mrs. Flaherty

Mock Trial*

An exciting, yet thought provoking approach to learning about one of the cornerstones of a democratic society- the Judicial System.  Mock trial participants prepare a simulated civil or criminal case for competition sponsored by the New Jersey Bar Association. Students engage in the role of witnesses, jurors or lawyers in a process that culminates in a series of competitive trial-offs before practicing lawyers or judges in real courtrooms.  The team meets weekly for the first semester, and then daily in the week prior to the competition, which begins in late January or February.


Mr. Agree

Model United Nations*

Model UN is a club for students interested in taking an active role in responding to  international events.  The club meets in order to prepare members to attend a conference as representatives of countries or other internationally effective groups.  Student delegations participate in committees debating pertinent global issues and are expected to collaborate in writing resolutions as a representative from their assigned country or group.    Students should be willing to speak in front of a group and be committed to spending time researching issues and writing one or two papers summarizing positions/arguments.  In the past, Chatham has attended conferences both virtually and in Baltimore & Washington D.C..  Meetings are held mostly during lunch.  For more information, contact Ms. Kielblock or Ms. Walters.


Ms. Kielblock

Ms. Walters

Multicultural Club*

Coming soon!


Mrs. Sleight

Music Groups

Jazz Ensemble*

Members of this group are selected by audition, which occurs in early November. They perform various styles of Swing, Latin, Standards, Contemporary Jazz and Rock selections at various performances throughout the year. Those interested should see Mx. Lemley for further information on this group. 

Percussion Ensemble

Members of this group are selected by audition, which occurs in early November. They perform selections at various performances throughout the year. Those interested should see Mx. Lemley for further information on this group.  

Marching Band / Color Guard*

Marching Band is a competitive and entertainment group that combines movement and musical performance. The group performs at band competitions, football games, and various performances throughout the school year. It is also an outstanding social activity. All woodwind and brass instrumentalists are required to be enrolled in a performance class and are expected to participate in spring clinics and attend Band Camp to gain proficiency in the necessary skills. Marching Band and Color Guard are open to all Chatham High School students. It should also be noted that student roadies are always needed to assist the members in their performances. Contact Mx. Lemley for additional information.

String Quartet

String Quartet is open to members of Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra. This performing group plays selections of light classical, popular and movie music for school functions (such as Back to School Night or the Art Show) and community events throughout the school year. String Quartet does not have a conductor – students who participate will find an opportunity to take on leadership roles to direct the Orchestra and to work together to plan program selections appropriate for each event or performance. For more information, please see Mr. Keller. 

Auditioned Choirs, Bands & Orchestras

Students who are enrolled in our curricular Bands, Choirs, and Orchestra are eligible to audition for several performing opportunities, including All-Area Band, Morris County Choir, All-North Jersey Regional Band, Chorus, and Orchestra, and All-State Band, Chorus, and Orchestra. Information for all opportunities is made available through our CHS directors in curricular choral, band, and orchestra classes.  

Chacafellas and Nothing But Treble (NBT)

Chacafellas is the school's student run all tenor and bass a capella group and Nothing But Treble (NBT) is the school's student run all soprano and alto a capella group. For more information, see Mr. Bryson.


Mx. Lemley

Mr. Keller

Mr. Bryson

National Art Honor Society

The NAHS is specifically intended for high school students in grades 10-12, for inspiration and recognition of those students who have shown an outstanding ability in visual art. The NAHS also strives to aid members in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in art areas, and to bring art education to the attention of the school and community. The NAHS meets on a monthly to bi-monthly basis, depending on the activities that we are engaged in. Activities may include figure drawing sessions, mosaic tile murals, a CHS visual arts calendar, and a NAHS student show in the community.


Mr. Hreha

Mrs. Spadaro

National Honor Society

National Honor Society is open to junior and senior students who have demonstrated excellence in four areas: scholarship, leadership, character, and service. In order to apply for membership as a Junior, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.65 by the end of their first semester of their Junior year. In order to apply as a Senior, students must earn a cumulative GPA of 3.65 by the end of their Junior year. Students who meet the criteria and choose to apply must complete an application that demonstrates their excellence in areas of leadership, character, and service. In addition to the application, students must complete and submit documentation for twenty-five hours of school and community service. This service must be completed from July to March of the junior year for junior applicants and from July of the junior year to September of the senior year for senior applicants. Applications are reviewed and voted upon by an anonymous faculty selection committee. Accepted applicants must participate in an induction ceremony. The induction ceremony occurs in the fall for Senior members and in the spring for Junior members.


Mrs. Long


The Chronicle is a tabloid and digital publication which publishes seven times per year. Mandatory staff meetings are held to brainstorm, edit and layout the paper on the computer using Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Some students work independently to investigate, report and write, while others create photographs or artwork. Editors are responsible for the organization and production of the paper. Students must apply at the end of the year for editorial positions.


Mr. Hreha

Pep Club

The Pep Club’s main goal is to promote school spirit, deepen friendships, and encourage all students to excel in whatever they do.  The Pep Club sponsors the Homecoming Dance in the fall and is responsible for decorating and cleaning up, providing food, arranging for the DJ and selecting and selling invitations for the dance.  It also organizes the annual coronation of the homecoming royalty.  Meetings are held twice a month during the fall semester.  During these meetings students prepare for activities such as cougar weekend, the homecoming dance and coronation, and school spirit events/activities.   All students are welcome to join.


Mrs. Pensavalle

Mrs. Morgan-Convery

Play Unified*

The Play Unified Club began in 2012 as a club called “Teens Connecting with Teens” with the mission of bringing the students of ECLC of New Jersey, a private school for students with Special Needs, and Chatham High School together for social events.

The club expanded and grew both in its mission and membership and in 2016 the club moved under the Special Olympics umbrella and became what is now known as Play Unified. Our Special Olympics Play Unified Club is a part of over 3,000 programs nationwide that is aimed at promoting a school community where all young people are agents of change--fostering acceptance, respect, dignity and advocacy for people with intellectual disabilities and thereby anyone who is perceived as different. We aim to create a school climate and community where students with disabilities feel welcome and are routinely included in, and feel a part, of all activities and opportunities.

Our mission as a club is to promote social inclusions through intentionally planned activities and implemented activities. Through our clubs four main components, inclusive unified sports, inclusive youth leadership, inclusive social events, and whole school engagement- we aim to create meaningful change in our school and community.

As a Play Unified Club we come together to engage, interact, and form special relationships with all of the students in our own school as well as the students of ECLC School. We want everyone to feel accepted, included, and seen.

Our club currently offers:

Unified Sports: A program that brings together students with and without disabilities on the same team. **Please note that participation in Unified Sports programs requires submission of athletic paperwork and medical clearance. Required paperwork can be found here.

Fall Unified Sports: Play Unified Soccer; Play Unified Track & Field

Winter Unified Sports: Play Unified Basketball; Play Unified Bowling

Spring Unified Sports: Play Unified Track & Field

Happy Feet – A unified running/walking club

Social Events: Inclusive social events throughout the year called “Teen Nights” that offer the opportunity for socializing through sports, dancing, crafts, and games. These events run in the evenings from 7:00-8:30pm.

Whole School Engagement: School wide-events that promote inclusion and acceptance.

Unified Youth Leadership Committee: Students who apply and are accepted as leaders, meet twice monthly to plan and implement all aspects of the club.


Ms. Schwartz

Ms. Leyden

Rapid Fire Improv Troupe

Do you have lightning quick reflexes and a sense of humor? If so, then RapidFire is the improvisation troupe for you! We pride ourselves on creating a nurturing, fun environment where members of all skill levels feel comfortable honing their craft in front of and with others. Meetings are held once or twice a month and consist of basic lessons, theatre games, and optional competitions within the club. All are welcome!


Mrs. Russo

Red Cross Club

Red Cross Club is directly affiliated with the Red Cross Organization and members automatically become an official Red Cross Volunteer. Members participate in various opportunities in efforts to raise awareness about blood donations, help fundraise, and work in the community to help those in need. Being a part of the Red Cross club provides members with opportunities to positively impact the Chatham community and beyond.


Mrs. Albanese

Research Club*

The research club provides students with a comfortable environment to present/develop their ideas and improve their research skills, such as reading scientific journals or designing controlled experiments. Students will be able to apply what they learn in school to real-life settings, and gain knowledge, skills and have fun along the way!


Dr. Naumova


The robotics club is a continuation of the Advanced Robotics class providing time for students to have additional hours to work on their robot designs that were developed during class with their teammates. Collaboratively, the students in Advanced Robotics design, build, program, and compete in the FIRST Technology Challenge (FTC) which is an international competition with more than 72 countries competing annually. At the beginning of September, FTC announces the new game and requirements for that year's challenge. The Advanced Robotics students then get to work right away to create a robot that will compete regionally (NW New Jersey) and, with some hard work, also have a shot at competing at the NJ State Championships and the World Championship. 

Competitions are held on the weekends and typically are from 8am-5pm. The FTC organization does limit how many students can compete on each team so additional slots for members not enrolled in Advanced Robotics are available on a year to year basis depending on enrollment. The club portion meets during lunch 2-3 days a week and after school twice a week. 

Chatham Robotics has advanced to the World Championship twice and were also Top Ten Global Finalist in the FTC Innovation Challenge, which was a virtual STEM competition developed during hybrid/virtual learning.


Ms. Ryan


SADD is a group of students helping other students to make positive decisions about the challenges in their everyday lives.  SADD educates and empowers students to prevent underage drinking, impaired driving, dating violence and other destructive behaviors. The group meets monthly during school lunch and membership is open to anyone who makes positive choices and wants to encourage others to do the same.


Mrs. Amster

Science Club*

Science Club participates in hands-on science competitions and quiz bowls at the state level. 


Ms. Ollo

Science Olympiad*

New Jersey Science Olympiad Competitions: Science students will demonstrate their skills through performance testing; hands-on, minds-on activities; cooperative learning through events that require teamwork; improved self-concept through success in achieving high standards and making applications and connections to the real world.  Please visit this link for more information about the New Jersey Science Olympiad.


Mrs. Simoni

Ski Club*

The ski club is open to all students who enjoy skiing and snowboarding. The club sponsors approximately four trips to Mountain Creek. Buses leave from and return to Chatham High School.


Mr. Skibitski

Spanish Club*

This organization meets monthly. Students come together in an informal manner to participate in activities connected with the Spanish culture around the world. The club is open to all students with an interest in the language or the culture of Spanish-speaking countries. Our primary language of communication will be Spanish. We will have at least two field trips: one to a Spanish restaurant and a second to a cultural event.


Sra. Fix

Sra. Kolshorn

Stage Crew*

Stage crew consists of a group of committed and dedicated students who assist in the many music, theater and outside events that take place within the school auditorium. In general, stage crew is responsible for organizing and cleaning the house, set construction and painting for the drama / musical, production running crew tasks, technical light and sound board operation, school concerts and event setups as well as many other crew related tasks. Any and all are welcome to be a part of stage crew. No experience is necessary and training for technical aspects are done on the job.


Mr. Von Hagel

Students Against Cancer

Students Against Cancer is a volunteer club where students hold various fundraisers to raise money for the American Cancer Society, raise awareness of cancer research, and plan and host the Relay for Life of Chatham in June.


Mrs. Sproviero

Technology Club/Technology Student Association*

This club seeks to engage students in the field of design and engineering through computer-aided design and hands-on modeling. Students will participate in competitions that utilize technical programs, materials processing, engineering and redesign. Activities include bridge-building, hydrogen car design, computer aided design, architectural design, video production and robotics.


Mr. Mariano

World Language Honor Societies

The World Language Honor Societies are honorary designations awarded to junior and senior world language students demonstrating consistent, exceptional achievement in their respective languages. For details on eligibility, click here. Additional questions can be directed to Ms. Spooner, Director of Arts and Languages.


The Spectrum staff members work year round to produce our hardbound, color yearbook that is distributed in the late spring. Some students learn and practice desktop publishing while others develop leadership, business, photography, writing, and organizational skills. Successful editors periodically complete tasks over the course of the school year. Positions are available for interested students who have limited time available or who are available seasonally. Students must apply at the end of the year for editorial positions.


Ms. Connors

Ms. Ryan

Ms. Kosch