Our School
In accordance with Board policy #6145.4, students who participate in school-sponsored co-curricular activities are subject to a participation fee. The fee is paid only once per year; a student who has paid the fee may participate in as many athletic/extracurricular activities during the course of the school year as they would like without making additional activity fee payment. Please follow this link to the policy.
Any student participating in Chatham High School athletics is subject to the activity fee, as well as those students participating in the clubs below.
Academic Team | Jazz Band |
American Sign Language | Marching Band/Color Guard |
ASPIN | Math League |
Book Club | Mock Trial |
Business Club | Model United Nations |
Chess/Games Club | Multicultural Club |
Chinese Club | Newspaper |
Computer League | Play Unified |
Crafts for Kindness | Research Club |
Dance Club | Robotics |
Dramatic Productions (Fall Drama/Spring Musical) | Science Club |
Dungeons and Dragons Club | Science Olympiad |
French Club | Ski Club |
Garage Band | Spanish Club |
German Club | Stage Crew |
InkBlot/Literary Magazine | Technology Club |
Intramurals |