Standardized Testing

Testing with Accommodations

If you are a student with an Individualized Education Plan, contact your Case Manager for details about applying for testing accommodations.

If you are a student with a 504, contact your School Counselor for details about applying for testing accommodations.  

For the SAT and ACT click here for more details about deadlines and test registration.   

New Jersey Student Learning Assessments & NJ Graduation Proficiency Assessment

Grade 9 & 11

The New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA) are statewide assessments that assess students’ progress toward the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science. The New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment (NJGPA) consists of an ELA and a mathematics component to be administered to students in grade 11 for the purpose of meeting the state graduation assessment requirement. Each assessment is typically administered in computer-based (CBT) format, although paper-based testing (PBT) is available as an accommodation. ELA assessments will focus on writing effectively when analyzing text. Mathematics assessments will focus on applying skills and concepts and understanding multi-step problems that require abstract reasoning and modeling real-world problems, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools. Science assessments will focus on applying scientific concepts and practices within the domains of Earth & space, life, and physical science. Students will demonstrate their acquired skills and knowledge by answering selected-response items, constructed response items and technology-enhanced questions.

Grade 9 - All grade 9 students will take the NJSLA in English Language Arts. All grade 9 students enrolled in Algebra 1, Algebra II, or Geometry will take the NJSLA Assessment in that content area.

Grade 11 - All grade 11 students will take the NJGPA assessment. The assessment consists of an ELA and Mathematics section. This assessment is an NJDOE requirement. A passing score on both sections is a graduation requirement. Students who do not receive a passing score on one or both sections are provided an opportunity to retake the assessment in the summer or fall of senior year.  Students may also utilize an alternative assessment to meet the requirement. The use of an alternative assessment requires a student to first take the NJGPA.

Grade 11 students will also be administered the NJSLA Science assessment.
