Student Supports and Interventions

Chatham High School Communication Protocol

Chatham High School faculy and administration collaborate to provide all students with the academic, behavioral, and social emotional supports necessary in order to achieve potential. Communication between our staff and students/parents is an important part of building effective relationships that lead to postitive experiences.  While our staff strives to clearly articulate their expectations and provide the best opportunities for their students, there are times when concerns of a student or parent arise. The following protocol is being shared with our students and parents in an effort to ensure open, clear communication to our staff. 

On matters involving instruction: 

Students and/or parents should direct their questions or concerns directly to the teacher of the course. CHS counselors can assist students with navigating this exchange.

  1. Department supervisors oversee all curriculum and instruction within their departments. Supervisors can assist in navigating an area of concern or provide insight regarding instructional practices. 

  2. Assistant Principal

  3. Principal

On Matters Involving Athletics or Extra-curricular Activities:

  1. Coach or Club Advisor

  2. Athletic Director  or Assistant Principal, Lori Gironda

  3. Principal

On Matters Involving Student Discipline/Attendance:

  1. Classroom Teacher

  2. Assistant Principal, Mr. Connor Henderson

  3. Principal